Footprint Brand - Virtual Assets and Styles

Discover the united voice, tone, and look of the Footprint Ventures Lab brand


Here are the complete set of primary colors we use for Fooprint Ventures Lab projects, each labeled with its corresponding hex code.
Text Primary
Text Secondary


The Lato font family is the standard for Fooprint Ventures Lab communications, where Lato Bold is generally applied to headlines, and Lato Regular to body text.
Footprint Ventures Lab
Footprint Ventures Lab
Footprint Ventures Lab
Footprint Ventures Lab
Footprint Ventures Lab

Footprint Ventures Lab

Footprint Primary Logo

Consistency and visibility are key, so these logos should be present in all Footprint Ventures Lab communications. The preferred version of the Footprint Ventures Lab logo is shown here, with alternative versions to follow.
For use on mainly bright backgrounds.
For use on mainly dark backgrounds.

Footprint Secondary Logo

Secondary logos serve as supporting assets in Footprint Ventures Lab materials. While they add versatility, their usage should align with branding guidelines. Examples of approved versions will be shared subsequently.
For use on mainly bright backgrounds.
For use on mainly dark backgrounds.

Social Media Profile Picture

Social media profile pictures are a key part of Footprint Ventures Lab's digital identity. Ensure they adhere to branding guidelines, with designated options available for use.
Logogram Profile Picture
For use on mainly bright backgrounds.
Logogram Profile Picture
For use on mainly dark backgrounds.
Full Logo Profile Picture
For use on mainly bright backgrounds.
Full Logo Profile Picture
For use on mainly dark backgrounds.